Colors | 08/08/2024

Colors Spring Summer 2024-25

The new color palette for the warm season faithfully reflects the aspirations of contemporary society. Two predominant sensations guide this choice: the need to embrace optimism with bright and energetic hues, and the yearning for peace and tranquility represented by soft pastel and neutral colors.

In both cases, nature serves as our primary source of inspiration, awakening enthusiasm and hope, and fostering creativity and imagination.

The most radiant proposal starts with shades like pure red -fire and cherry- accompanied by bright yellows -standard, golden, and mineral- followed by a vibrant lime green reminiscent of Japanese wasabi and pistachio. Other notable green tones include Nile, turquoise and pastel mint, while darker hues like olive and avocado add elegance and naturalness.

Neutral tones such as raw beige, sand, and ochre are highly versatile and timeless for a variety of products. They are complemented by camel, almond, and cinnamon shades.

Within brown, medium and transparent pastels prevail, transforming with touches of red into terracotta and oxide, ideal for suggestive combinations.

Pink and light blue appear in soft and romantic versions, followed by lilac and lavender.

Medium gray is presented in cool tones like aluminum, silver, and ash, as well as warm tones like elephant and taupe.

Blue conveys empathy, harmony, and trust, showcasing tones such as Klein blue, Persian blue, electric blue, and cerulean, each with its own particular elegance.

White and black remain irreplaceable classics for sober and distinguished designs.

Additional luminosity is provided by metallic finishes, with silver standing out as the most promising.

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