COMPANIES | 04/15/2020

BIBI CASE. One of the Brazilian factories that restarted activities

The children's shoe brand did not lay off staff and resumed production under strict preventive measures.

As a result of social isolation, Calçados BIBI quickly organized to comply with the requirements of the World Health Organization (WHO) and granted 20 days of collective vacations to employees of the two factories located in Parobé/RS, in addition to working online with a small administrative team.

The chain's 121 stores spread across different Brazilian states were also closed. During this period, the company's management worked to assess the impacts, promoted footwear donation to disadvantaged communities, invested in masks production for its employees, and became the driving force behind the "Do Not Dismiss" manifesto, referring to not doing without of workers. After this period and meticulous analysis, the company announced since April 13th, the resumption of factories with reduced hours.

Towards standardization in all areas

In the coming weeks, the company will also work with a schedule for the opening of retail operating points, following rules of each city or state where the units are located. In addition to taking all the foresights, BIBI will continue operating in the market through electronic commerce, delivery services throughout Brazil and complying with shipments abroad. The factory group will follow all WHO guidelines and those related to the pandemic, using the provisional measures announced by the Federal Government to prioritize jobs.

Complying with security protocols

Among the main preventive measures that will be adopted for the next 30 days, we can mention:

  • Reduction of working hours, optimizing the costs of production line.
  • Suspension of employment contract for risk groups and retail personnel (brand stores), for 30 days.
  • Distribution of an explanatory brochure to employees with general guidelines on the care of COVID-19. Where it is detailed, how to avoid contagion, as well as the correct way to put on, remove and store the masks.
  • Raise awareness of internal media through company communication.
  • Temperature measurement in factories entrances. People with a temperature equal to or greater than 37.8 ° should contact the company doctor.
  • Individual gel alcohol in all areas for periodic cleaning.
  • Own production of masks for employees, with anti-microbial fabric that repels water, mandatory use.
  • Explanations of COVID-19 by the company doctor.
  • Maintenance of demarcated and safe spaces between employees.
  • Scheduling of working hours and use of the cafeteria.

With such measures, Calçados BIBI privileges the health of its employees and the people who are part of communities where the brand operates.