The Shanghai New International Exhibition Center was the headquarters of the ALL CHINA LEATHER (ACLE) fair, which celebrated its 22nd edition at the beginning of September 2019. The 8 halls arranged for the exhibition -which reached 92 thousand square meters- were occupied by 1,056 exhibitors representing 34 regions and countries.
On this occasion, ACLE received a local attendance of more than 20 thousand people, of a total volume of approximately 23,300 visitors.
This version of the exhibition was once again an opportunity to learn about innovative proposals in the leather industry, through trends, products and designs. The care of the environment in relation to leather was part of the fair, with the exhibition of sustainable products and the lower use of chrome tanning, which is replaced by vegetable tanning.
In addition, leather benefits in terms of renewable, natural, versatile, durable and attractive product were exposed in the Leather Naturally and Shanghai Shake-up spaces. To this topic was added the leather promotion among designers and their image facing consumers.
In summary, the various proposals and opportunities presented in ACLE, had as counterpart the context in which the sector is framed. Leather faces misconceptions, synthetics competition, an oversupply of raw skins and the commercial struggle with the United States. Even so, the event was successful, and it maintained an optimistic atmosphere for the industry.
The next edition will take place between Tuesday 1, Wednesday 2 and Thursday 3 September 2020.