The first version of the year of FUTURMODA -the Spanish fair of suppliers- took place between March 11 and 12, in Hall 2 of IFA-Alicante Trade Fair Institution in Elche. The event was organized by the Spanish Association of Footwear Components Companies (AEC) which, in the face of the coronavirus health crisis, confirmed the realization of the exhibition.
Many political leaders, both from the Valencian Generalitat, the Alicante Provincial Council, as well as government delegates and the respective mayors and local representatives of the shoe municipalities of Elche, Elda, Petrer and Valverde del Camino, were present at the opening of the fair.
From the organization of the event they reported the registration of 400 companies, represented through 256 exhibitors. The item of Tanned and Leathers accounted for 28% of the total, followed by Lasts, Soles, Insoles and Heels, with 21%. Then, the Components sector, 19%; Fabrics, 17%; and Technology, Chemicals, etc., 8%, among others.
75% of the exhibitors were from Spain and 25% from Italy, Portugal, France, Germany, Poland and India. Within this last percentage, a decrease was seen, due to the absence of 23 foreign companies from countries with critical situations.
Although the first day, the exhibitors highlighted that the concurrence was better than expected, on the second day it decreased significantly.
Among the coinciding opinions, many assured that the growing awareness of the health crisis by eventual visitors, defined the search for alternative contacts.
"Many of our clients informed us that they would not come to the fair, and that they preferred to visit us at our company," said one of the exhibitors.
For others, the announcement that the IFA -Alicante Fair- postponed the events scheduled for the next two months, also contributed to the retraction in the decision to visit the event.
According to information from AEC, the organizing entity, the next version of the suppliers fair in Elche is scheduled for October 21 and 22, 2020.
FUTURMODA of October was canceled and the March 2021 edition is organized