The industrial plant that BICONTINENTAR reopened in 2021 in Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires province, had 550 employees and 12 production lines at the beginning of last December, where they manufacture sneakers for LACOSTE, NEW BALANCE, RINGO, UNDER ARMOUR, MONTAGNE, HUSH PUPPIES, ALPINE SKATE, OLYMPIKUS, 47 STREET, KICKERS, ATICS, DIADORA and LE COQ SPORTIF.
The CEO and partner of the firm -Juan Recce- affirmed that they seek to recover their best times, reaching 16 production lines if the context allows it. In addition, the plans also contemplate the provision of Argentine supplies so as not to spend dollars and limit dependency, according to what he told BAE Negocios.
The company also made an investment to increase production capacity by 30%, through automated assembly.