NEWS | REPORTS | Argentina
Argentina | 25/02/2022

Tanning Industrial Park in Argentina, in its final stage

It will reduce the environmental and social impact, and the participating tanneries will obtain important benefits.

An essential infrastructure work for the Argentine tannery that will start operating during the second half of 2023.

The second half of 2023 is the expected date for the start-up of the Tanning Industrial Park (PIC, in Spanish) and the Industrial Liquid Effluent Treatment Plant (PTELI). Already at the beginning of this year, the construction of the PIC had been completed by 95.9% and that of the PTELI was around 40%.

The objective of the Lanús Tannery Industrial Park is the settlement of small and medium-sized companies belonging to the tannery industry, installed mostly in Lanús, among the 62 establishments registered in the Basin. From there arises the decision to carry out this work in that location, which already has the confirmation of transfer of 22 tanneries.

Currently, the contamination of the waters of the Riachuelo is due in part to the lack of sustainability in the production processes of the companies and the consequent elimination of untreated industrial effluents in that river.

In this sense, Martín Sabbatella -president of ACUMAR- affirmed: "Bearing in mind that 30% of the pollutants in the Matanza Riachuelo Basin are of industrial origin, the PIC is a fundamental work for the sanitation of the Basin, because it will drastically reduce the load of this type of effluents that reach the Riachuelo and affect its composition.”

The new infrastructure will provide the opportunity to achieve adaptation at the environmental level, carry out more efficient control over companies and carry out the treatment of effluents, both their own and those of neighboring industries.

The project

Both works are carried out by ACUMAR -Matanza Riachuelo Basin Authority for the sanitation and environmental reconfiguration of that space-, in conjunction with the Chamber of Tanners of Buenos Aires. In turn, the World Bank is in charge of financing the project.

The property has an area of 160 thousand square meters, where 23 lots and a liquid treatment plant with state-of-the-art technology will be offered, as reported by ACUMAR.

“These works in the Tanning Industrial Park of Lanús will benefit the transfer of industries, taking care of the environment and the quality of life of this entire community. This is the infrastructure that ACUMAR carries out with a lot of work and commitment for the sanitation of the entire Basin”, assured Gabriel Katopodis -Minister of Public Works- during his visit last January.


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