NEWS | REPORTS | Argentina
Argentina | 24/10/2022

Wages for footwear workers increased 113%

​The agreement was between UTICRA, the union entity, and the business sector, within the wage negotiations.

The strong inflationary process forces permanent readjustments of salaries in the Argentine footwear industry.

After intense discussions launched after the reopening of the wage negotiations, after the meetings that the union organization held with the different bodies of delegates and general secretaries, commanded by the national leadership, the Union of Footwear Workers (UTICRA); agreed a wage increase of 113.05% for all workers in the activity.

In this way, the purchasing power will have an increase of 55% from the first of November, which in principle will be non-remunerative, but which will later be incorporated into the payroll in February of next year, already implying an increase of 68.32%.

At the same time, during the next months of February, March and April there will be another non-remunerative increase of 12% each month, which as of May 2023, will end up producing a final increase, already incorporated into the monthly payment of 113.05%.

The discussions were held in the framework of the Ministry of Labor, and although a plan of struggle was about to be decreed with different union actions throughout the country, considering the first employer offers insufficient, an agreement was finally reached reflecting the urgent need for workers to recover the value of their income, taking into account the high inflation percentages.

The signing involved all the regional chambers of the country that give this new agreement an official significance in the national order.

In consultations with workers, some opinions considered the increases obtained insufficient, in a context of high inflation, and taking into account the staggered payment of the increases, which extend until May 2023.

- Salaries for the footwear union in Argentina increased by more than 60%

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