The data prepared by the Brazilian Association of Footwear Manufacturers (Abicalçados) show that, between January and September, 86.2 million pairs were shipped, generating US $ 618.45 million, an increase of 33,7% in volume and 26,3% in revenue compared to the same period last year. Compared to pre-pandemic levels, in 2019, the results are 1% higher in pairs and 15,7% lower in revenue. According to Abicalçados, with the rise in the dollar, shoe manufacturers can form more competitive prices while maintaining profitability in real.
Taking only the month of September, exports totaled 11 million pairs, which generated US $ 77 million, an increase of 35,7% and 46%, respectively, compared to the result of the same month of the previous year. Compared to September 2019, there was an increase in volume (+10%) and a decrease (-8%) in revenue.
The executive president of Abicalçados, Haroldo Ferreira, points out that the foreign market, especially the United States, has driven the recovery of the footwear industry. "The expectation is to end the year with results 25% better than last year, even surpassing the pre-pandemic results, in 2019", he projects, noting that the indices for the second semester have been lower due to the stronger comparison base of the second part of 2020, when the industry was already showing signs of a more consistent recovery in the international market. For this year, Abicalçados estimates to end with a total of 118 million pairs exported.
The main destination for Brazilian footwear abroad continues to be the United States, where 10 million pairs were shipped between January and September, generating US $ 153 million, increases both in volume (+52,7%) and in revenue (+41,7%) compared to the same period last year. “More than that, exports to the United States, in 2021, have already exceeded the pre-pandemic level. Compared to the same period in 2019, exports, by pairs, grew by 11%”, celebrates Ferreira.
Between January and September, the second destination for Brazilian footwear was Argentina, where 9.2 million pairs were exported for US $ 80.6 million, increases both in volume (+79,7%) and in revenue (+57%) compared to the same period last year. As well as the United States, the levels of exports to Argentina have already exceeded those of 2019, by 26%.
The third destination of the Brazilian product in the nine months of the year was France. In the period, the French imported 5.3 million pairs, for which US $ 42.63 million were paid, an increase of 3% in volume and a fall of 1,5% in revenue compared to the corresponding period of 2020.
With 44% of the total generated from footwear exports, Rio Grande do Sul continues as the main exporter in the sector. Between January and September, the factories of Rio Grande do Sul exported 22 million pairs, which generated US $ 272.24 million, increases both in volume (+41%) and in revenue (+22,5%) compared to the same period last year.
The second exporting state in the period was Ceará. In the nine months, 26.33 million pairs left the Ceará factories, for which US $ 147.53 million were paid, increases both in volume (+24,2%) and in revenue (+22,3%) with respect to the corresponding period of 2020.
With increases of 33,2% in volume and 32% in revenue generated, the third footwear exporter in Brazil, in the nine months of the year, was São Paulo. 6 million pairs left the factories in São Paulo, generating US $ 65.25 million.
Optimism in the Brazilian sector. Wage tax exemption advances
In 2021, Argentina imported 73% more Brazilian footwear than in 2020