Between the 12th and 13th of September, was held in Ambato, Tungurahua province, the XXIII Meeting of Latin American Footwear Chambers, under the slogan “The Footwear Industry and its Vision of the Future”.
Leaders of the representative entities of Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala and Ecuador held work meetings, which were chaired by Lilia Villavicencio, president of CALTU -Footwear Chamber of the host country-.
In addition to the welcome and farewell protocol events, the leaders participated in the Latin American Footwear Forum, with a large agenda of speakers and exhibitors who referred to important topics related to the sector, and which attracted the attention of large audience.
Among the master lectures, were highlighted the one of Eng. Iván Ontaneda, Minister of Production of Ecuador, on the development of the industry in his country; of Eng. Marcelo Gutiérrez, on business strategies; of Eng. Pedro Beriestain Bosco of Chile, on digitalization for the sustainable footwear industry; and of the designer Erick Pérez Sandi from Mexico, about design and fashion.
These activities were carried out during the two days in the Auditorium of the Provincial Government of Tungurahua, in the morning and afternoon.
As usual, at the end of the Meeting, the corresponding minutes were elaborated, listing the different topics discussed and agreed actions, among which we can highlight the following:
1. CALTU of Ecuador, promised to send as soon as possible to the different chambers colleagues in the region and to the participants of the event, the information related to the presentations and conferences.
2. The president of GRECALZA, the footwear union of Guatemala, Carmen María Torrebiarte, was welcomed, who for the first time joined the group of Latin American chambers.
3. It was decided to disseminate in different countries, the presentation of Eng. Pedro Beriestain Bosco, secretary of FEDECCAL of Chile -Federation of Leather and Footwear- on the “Digitalization of the Sustainable Footwear Industry”.
4. They agreed to exchange information inherent in the official negotiations of their respective countries, regarding the position of the leather and footwear chapters in bilateral and multilateral transactions. With the objective that the defense of the sector be duly considered and respected.
5. They invited the Latin American Footwear Chambers to exchange information on public and private actions and strategies, applied in the respective countries. Regarding the practice and development of digitalization in 4.0 industry, its value chains and sustainability.
6. The leaders present pledged to promote intra-regional trade between Latin American leather and footwear companies, taking as a reference the example of the European Community.
7. They agreed in the fulfillment of the commitments assumed in this Forum, which will serve to strengthen the unity of the chambers of the region. With the purpose of facing together the challenges and opportunities that the current scenario and the future of the sector demands.
8. They resolved to testify, in the present minutes, a sense tribute of gratitude and recognition to Heitor Klein, former executive president of ABICALÇADOS of Brazil, for his exemplary pioneer contribution and founder of the development and defense movement of the Latin American chambers. "Its unique values and merits, are an example of trade union vocation that all footwear leaders of Latin American should follow," they said.
9. Unanimously, it was resolved that Colombia will be the next headquarters of the XI Latin American Footwear Forum, with the possibility of doing it in Medellin, to be confirmed.
In this regard, Luis Gustavo Flores Enciso, president of ACICAM, formally committed to manage the approval of its Board of Directors.
Depending on the confirmation of Colombia, Guatemala remained as an alternative country.
CHILE - FEDECCAL F.G. - Leather and Footwear Federation - Félix Halcartegaray Bichendaritz, president and Pedro Beriestain Bosco, secretary.
MEXICO - CICEG - Chamber of the Footwear Industry of Guanajuato - Alejandro Gómez Támez, general director.
COLOMBIA - ACICAM - Colombian Association of the Footwear and Manufactures Industry -Luis Gustavo Flores Enciso, president.
GUATEMALA - GRECALZA - Footwears UnionCarmen María Torrebiarte, president.
ECUADOR - CALTU - National Footwear Chamber - Lilia Villavicencio, president.