REPORTS | 30/12/2022

Editorial - Adapt to overcome

Given the forecasts about the contraction of the world economy in 2023, as a consequence of the rearrangement of the markets, in an environment of uncertainty and social, political and economic instability, a complex scenario awaits the manufacturing industry and in particular the footwear industry, together with its chain of suppliers and traders.

In the productive aspect, it will have to face the reduced availability of supplies and raw materials, in an inflationary context, which makes it impossible to make accurate business projections, added to the reduced supply capacity of Asian production centers, with limited logistics, and in places where the presence of Covid-19 still persists.

The workforce in the international footwear industry is in crisis because, in addition to economic issues, there have been changes in habits, which direct the workforce to other industries and activities.

The commercial sector strives to achieve a regular supply of goods, which in the face of difficulties, concentrates its search on alternative suppliers. A phenomenon that has opened up new opportunities for industries with greater autonomy and capacity.

The third link, and perhaps the most important, is consumption, for which forecasts are for stagnation or decline, driven by the loss of purchasing power of most populations, with order of priority.

In light of this situation, for Latin American industries, mostly small and medium-sized, the immediate need arises to rethink a strategy that allows them to adapt to this reality. Perhaps with order, planning and creativity, the course can be found that ensures continuity in the sector, within a changing and uncertain market, which, not because of such conditions, can also offer new opportunities.

The Editor

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