REPORTS | 04/08/2023

Editorial: Beyond the vicissitudes

The Latin American footwear industry, with an annual production of approximately 1.5 billion pairs, navigates with diverse luck, within the particularities in

force in each country and the general conditions imposed by the international market.

In this context, it is possible to enumerate various common situations that influence its activity. Reduced consumption; difficulties in sourcing supplies and materials; instability and rising costs; shortage of skilled labor; insufficient credit availability; irregular imports; and lack of government support are some of the factors that the sector is striving to resolve.

Regarding this matter, at the latest forum in Cúcuta, Colombia, besides addressing these problems, leaders and representatives of the regional footwear industry advocated for greater integration, aiming to strengthen their position as producers and suppliers of footwear in both intraregional and international arena.

Achieving this goal requires internal organization within each country, with the indispensable political support of governments to back the sector on its path towards developing its potential. Especially in a scenario of increasing nearshoring, where the relocation of production zones is on the rise, and demand diversifies its sourcing origins. This situation creates new opportunities, not only for countries with a tradition and exporting capacity, such as Brazil and Mexico but also for others highly reliant on their domestic markets, yet not lacking in the possibilities of selling their products abroad.

Hence, a broadened commercial vision is essential, transcending its own boundaries, which fosters a new perspective for growth despite the challenges and in response to the current demands.

The Editor

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