REPORTS | 27/10/2022

Editorial - When demand exceeds supply

There is no doubt that due to different factors, the end of the pandemic has implied a recovery and acceleration of consumption, a fact that goes beyond economic circumstances and possibilities, and has to do with a psycho-biological response to a long retraction of consumers during the health crisis.

For this situation, in general, the production and commercialization of footwear has not yet been able to satisfy that demand.

In Latin America, many industries were affected by the paralysis imposed by Covid, which caused production declines, loss of labor and the advent of financial problems, which in extreme cases caused bankruptcies. The essential recovery of the workforce is made difficult by the low economic and personal attractiveness offered by this industry, compared to other sectors.

Added to this is the insufficient availability of materials and supplies, due to low productivity at supply points, and the lack of transportation and logistics, within a context of high volatility and price increases.

The commercial segment of the chain suffers directly from the situation of the productive sector, as well as suppliers from their countries, or from abroad via imports.

This is the case of the big brands that serve important markets and that have not yet been able to regularize their supply from regions with a high concentration of production, such as Asia.

Meanwhile, consumers wait to access an offer with sufficient volume and diversity.

The Editor

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