In a statement released on April 28th, the Association of Industrial Suppliers Companies of Mexico (APIMEX), reported on the re-election of David Novoa Toscano as president of the entity.
In the 2021 General Assembly of Members, the rest of the Board of Directors that will be part of APIMEX between 2021/2022 were also elected. Thus, the position of vice-president secretary will be held by María Fernanda Rodríguez González, and the vice-president treasurer will be Juan Carlos Cashat Padilla.
"Faced with so many challenges and with the exacerbated pandemic, we had to be more creative, generate new work strategies and develop other ways of carrying out our events based on the proposals and concerns of our members", said Novoa Toscano.
In addition, the management report highlighted the development of the APIMEX Marketplace, ANPIC in virtual format, the APIMEX Congress in hybrid version and Zero Trend, hybrid and virtual.