TECHNICAL | 10/03/2021

Adhesives for EVA: features and usage

Prepared by TAPPER ADHESIVOS, the report describes the products and operations necessary to obtain a safe and durable bond.

With the growth in the use of EVA injected soles in footwear, information on adhesives and their applications are essential for their performance.

EVA adhesives are specially formulated to be activated at a lower temperature and thus avoid contractions or deformations, as in the case of soles and handmade soles.

EVA compounds have very particular properties and characteristics, which need to be treated with specific products to modify the polarity of the surface, and thus make them compatible with the adhesive.

In the process for preparing the substrates, prior to gluing, an adequate cleaning with a special EVA cleaner is necessary, to then apply the “primer”, also special for EVA, and finally the PU adhesive.

The uppers have different types of treatments depending on the materials:

• TEXTILE UPPER: First coat with crosslinking agent and PU adhesive
• LEATHER UPPER: Scraped, first coat with crosslinking agent and PU adhesive
• SYNTHETIC UPPER: Cleaning and PU adhesive application

Regarding the open time in the gluing operation, it depends on the formulation and the type of adhesive used. For example, an adhesive with a very long open time takes longer to achieve its maximum strength, and if the bonding is submitted to an immediate effort (for example, removing it from the last without going through the freezer), detachments may occur.

Another situation occurs when the open time is very short and the positioning of the upper with the sole is more complex, and exceeds that available time. In this case, adhesion problems can also occur.

For this reason, it is recommended when choosing adhesives the entire gluing process be taken into account, not only the types of materials.

Related to reactivation and temperatures, there are adhesives for cold gluing but they are not advisable, especially for sports shoes with EVA soles, which are exposed to greater efforts.

For the reactivation of EVA adhesives a temperature between 55 and 65 degrees is recommended. If it is higher, there is a risk that the soles will deform.

​Hay dos sistemas que forman parte del proceso:

• Por medio de un horno de curado y un “primer” UV.
• Precalentar la suela de EVA en un horno, estufa o pistola de calor, para llegar a una temperatura entre 45 y 50 grados, y una vez caliente aplicar el “primer”.

Las formas más utilizadas para la aplicación del adhesivo son con pincel o pulverizador.
La presión recomendada para el pegado de la suela de EVA sobre la horma vestida debe ser entre 4 a 6 Kg/cm2.

Once the parts are joined, the adhesive cools down to room temperature, where it develops between 70 and 80% of its strength. Then it takes between 24 and 48 hours to achieve maximum performance, depending on the formulation.
The use of 3 to 5% of crosslinking agent in the adhesive improves adhesion properties, resistance to temperature and aging.

Within the line of EVA adhesives offered by TAPPER ADHESIVOS to the footwear industry, you can find: Tapper K1067, Tapper K1030 and Tapper K1054.