TECHNICAL | 08/14/2019

TECNOGI contribution for a more sustainable industry

New technology and products for a greater preservation of the environment.

Since 1979 TECNOGI produces impregnated fabrics and plastic materials for use in toe caps and counters of footwear and thermo-adhesive fabrics for reinforcement.

This Italian company with headquarters in Borgolavezzaro in Novara, has manufacturing plants in its own country, China and India.

Its commercial structure has grown significantly, and has representatives and subsidiaries in different strategic points of all continents.

Continuously expanding in the international market, based on an intense research and technological update task, in recent years it has managed to convert its productions with a high degree of SUSTAINABILITY.

Through the use of recyclable, ecological materials and polymers derived from renewable sources, waste from the production process has been reused, with waste reduction. This technology uses only water-based dispersions with zero VOC (volatile organic compounds) content, in addition to solvent-free hot melt coating.

The products obtained are composed of 95% biodegradable and recyclable polymers and 5% also biodegradable cotton. Water saving is considered very valuable in processes and there is no wastewater, so there is no risk of contamination of the aquifer.

The quality of TECNOGI materials is certified by ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 standards for environmental protection.

Entre los principales productos que ofrece TECNOGI para la industria del calzado y manufacturas podemos destacar los siguientes:


Punteras de material termoplástico producido con copolímeros especiales con alta resiliencia y retención de forma muy durable. Posee un 60% de contenido reciclado, sobre el total del peso del producto. Recomendado para todo tipo de calzados, incluidos ortopédicos.


Su principal característica es el efecto “ping-pong” con distintos grados de flexibilidad. Está disponible en versión suave o rígida. También cuenta con 60% de material reciclado en su composición.


Material plástico realizado con copolímeros especiales de alta resistencia y retención de las formas. 100% biodegradable. Para distintos tipos de calzados, incluidos ortopédicos.


Está compuesto por 45% de material renovable a base de algodón y látex natural.