FAIRS | 23/04/2021

Fairs in Italy: in a hurry to resume activities

​They are the leaders in footwear and supply, with a marked dependence on the international market.


Footwear - Milano Rho premises, Milan - September 19th, 20th and 21st, 2021

Waiting for reactivation

With the start of the pandemic, as of March 2020, the confinement in Italy caused complications in the industrial activity of the footwear sector. Already in the second and third quarters of the year, the impact was not so profound, although the possible reactivation was slowed in the fall, after the second wave of infections.

Finally, the results did not meet the expectations of the sector in the fourth quarter of 2020, and thus footwear exports decreased 17.4% in quantity and 14.7% in value throughout the year, according to data provided by Confindustria Moda Research Center and disseminated by ASSOCALZATURIFICI, the Italian association of footwear manufacturers.

According to Siro Badon -president of the footwear entity- 2021 began with mediocre sales and the projection for the first third of the year is that the variables remain negative. In the future, normality could be achieved through vaccination, with which the reactivation of the industry is expected for the second half of 2021.

In this context, the Italian footwear fair -MICAM MILANO- has scheduled its next live edition for Sunday 19th, Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st September 2021, at the Fiera Milano Rho fairgrounds that will host the exhibitors who will present the trends for Spring/Summer 2022.

Digital alternative in the face of the pandemic

After the suspension of MICAM MILANO in physical format, initially scheduled from March 20th to 24th, ASSOCALZATURIFICI launched MICAM MILANO DIGITAL SHOW, the digital platform that is active from March 8th to May 8th, where more than 100 companies present their proposals for Autumn/Winter 2021-2022 and Spring/Summer 2022.

The virtual exhibition allows participating firms to access new contacts at a global level, through a tool that promotes business. Visitors, for their part, have the possibility of contacting companies, knowing their catalogs and line sheets, and eventually placing orders.

“Through the MICAM MILANO DIGITAL SHOW, we want to support the footwear sector in the digital transition process and help companies move towards a new way of doing business that is especially useful today, given that current travel and accommodations restrictions hinder international sales”, assured the president of ASSOCALZATURIFICI.

With high international profile

Before the pandemic, the Italian footwear fair had more than 1,200 exhibitors, including foreigners from more than 30 countries.

The total of the collections presented per edition, exceeded 1,700.

In turn, the event was visited by an average of 45 thousand people from 130 nations, which confirms the high international profile of the event.


Leathers, materials, components and accessories - Milano Rho premises, Milan - September 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2021

A few months away from regaining the live format

Following MICAM MILANO, the International Exhibition of Skins, Leather, Components, Fabrics, Synthetics and Accessories -LINEAPELLE- will be held, with the presentation of the Autumn-Winter 2022-2023 season.

The fair is scheduled to hold its 99th edition in person, between Wednesday 22nd, Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th September at the same events center in Milan.

It has the participation of exhibitors from all over the world, with an Italian majority, which in turn also receives international visitors from different continents.

The supplier's exhibition also felt the impact of the pandemic and, consequently, was part of the events canceled in March 2021. However, in the same month, MEET and MATCH was developed, a virtual show whose objective was to give continuity to the presence of suppliers and maintain its profile as an internationally recognized fashion hub.

According to what was expressed by the CEO of LINEAPELLE -Fulvia Bacchi-, "MEET and MATCH Virtual Show by Lineapelle was born from this desire to carry out a project with the need to maintain relationships between stakeholders: suppliers and customers".

They request authorization from the government

LINEAPELLE recently joined the request made by various sector fairs to the national government to provide details on the resumption of these events. In the statement released by MICAM MILANO, it is detailed that the reopening of the exhibitions, insofar as sanitary conditions allow, will have a positive impact on an industrial, economic and social level.

Given the need for sufficient time to plan this type of exhibitions, various trade fair organizations requested authorization from the government to resume their activities with the corresponding protocols, taking into account that the Autumn-Winter season could be harmed as long as maintain the prevailing uncertainty.


Technology for the footwear, manufactures and tannery industries - Milano Rho premises, Milan - September 22nd, 23rd and 24th, 2021

The greatest technological reference for the sector

Finally, from the National Association of Italian Manufacturers of Technologies for Footwear, Leather Goods and Tanneries -ASSOMAC- announced that SIMAC TANNING TECH will take place between September 22nd and 24th, simultaneously with LINEAPELLE, sharing an exhibition area in FieraMilano Rho.

Complying with the current safety measures in terms of health, the live fair will expose the latest technological developments of interest to the footwear, manufactures and tannery industries. In turn, to enhance the scope of the exhibition, the event will be accompanied by virtual initiatives for visitors and Internet users.

The wide exhibition offer will cover different types of machinery and equipment, new production and automation systems for the production of final products and components. The part dedicated to the tanning industry will exhibit the new equipment for the treatment of hides and skins, together with chemical products, automation and logistics.

For the September edition, organizers and exhibitors of SIMAC TANNING TECH are committed to consolidating their role in the area of technological innovation, with a strong vocation for sustainability, a factor of growing global demand.

Originally, this edition of the fair had been scheduled for February 2021, as usual, however the worsening of the health situation forced its organizers to postpone the event.

A gradual improvement in epidemiological conditions is expected in the coming months to allow the meeting to be carried out with greater safety and comfort, in response to the majority international call it receives.