MICAM | 2020/09/25

MICAM MILANO. Positive restart of international footwear trade

The largest world fair in the sector, held in person in Milan, received 25% of foreign buyers of the total attendance.

Buyers returned to Milan and confirmed MICAM as the most important platform of footwear launches and business.

Positive signs for the future, enthusiasm for the reunion and satisfaction with the goal achieved were some of the sensations experienced in the last 90 edition of MICAM that took place between September 20th and 23rd at the Milano Rho in Milan, Italy.

These data acquire greater relevance in an environment of global health crisis, that has affected the world economy, and in particular on the general volume of the fair where the number of exhibitors and visitors was significantly lower than previous editions.

However, for the organizers it has been very important to have obtained a good call and fundamentally to have resumed business in a traditional meeting point of the international supply and demand of footwear.

Safety was priority

The health protection of exhibitors, visitors and personnel involved in the organization of the event was guaranteed by the protocols developed with the Milano Fair to assure the highest safety standards.

The measures adopted by the fair authorities were in accordance with the guidelines issued by specialized international associations such as UFI (Global Association of the Exhibition Industry) and EMECA (European Major Exhibition Centres Association).

New systems of controlled entries were included, of visitor flows from pre-registration to arrival at the fairgrounds and conference areas. The route spaces were wide and straight, with signage in corridors, common areas and service sectors.

The control over the fulfillment of all the functioning rules was strict and permanent in charge of personnel trained for this circumstance.

Number of exhibitors and visitors

More than 500 footwear factories and brands exhibited different lines of feminine, masculine and children's products. The Italian exhibitors were the majority with 322 companies, followed by Spanish with 47, Portuguese 37, French 23, German 15, Polish 11, Turkish 9, from the Netherlands 6 and Brazilians 5. There were also representatives from other countries such as Belgium, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Greece, Morocco, Romania, etc.

Regarding the total number of visitors, the organizers reported the arrival of 16 thousand buyers, of which 25% came from abroad, especially from Switzerland, Germany and France.

According to the opinions of participants, the first two days had a good flow of visitors, while in the remaining it was somewhat less.

According to the exhibitors in general, sales were measured as a reflection of the current difficulties, however they celebrated the resumption of business with regular and new customers, which assure the continuity of the industry.

Models exhibited at MICAM:

​The synergy between fairs

With the #STRONGERTOGETHER an attractive program of simultaneous fairs was developed for coincident dates and in the same place, which attracted the attention of interested parties from all over the world, many of whom actively participated as exhibitors, visitors and buyers.

The largest event due to its call was MICAM, which occupied 5 pavilions. According to the qualification of the products, 1 and 3 was the Premium zone; the 2 and 4 Contemporary and the 6 Everyday. Inside pavilion 1 there was an exclusive space for MIPEL, the exhibition of bags, handbags and leather goods in general, and another for Emerging Designers.

Together with MICAM, TheOneMilano Special was held together, the show dedicated to women's prêt-à-porter, and, at the same time, HOMI, the demonstration of jewelry and fashion accessories.

Finally, on September 22nd and 23rd, A NEW POINT OF VIEW, a reduced version of LINEAPELLE, was held on the same fairground, where suppliers of hides, skins, materials, components and accessories for the footwear and manufactures industries were presented.

In Florence, also linked to fashion, DaTE the avant-garde eyeglasses exhibition was developed.

All these events as a whole, created a very special attraction for visitors to Milan and its area, as they provided a unique opportunity to simultaneously learn about the different links in the fashion chain.

And now… MICAM MILANO Digital Show

Much more than a portal or an online catalog: MICAM MILANO Digital Show is an “augmented fair” that sees in digital the opportunity to enhance the live fair.

Together with NuORDER, a world leader in the field of digital business platforms, MICAM has made the exhibitors' offer available to buyers from all over the world. "Just one click will be enough to enter a market to be developed and discovered, a network in constant evolution, in which it is possible to participate at competitive costs", stated its organizers.

Words from the president of MICAM

Satisfied with the outcome of the event, MICAM President Siro Badon commented: “This edition of MICAM took place at an unprecedented and historic moment. We receive the thanks of the operators for our courage and tenacity to carry it out. It was undoubtedly a moment of business relaunch and it has been the engine of other events with which synergies have been built. The pandemic has created problems for our productive sector, but we are hopeful for the future and we will be working to create opportunities for the companies in the chain. We will only get out of this situation if we work as a team, rowing for the same side. The entire fashion industry is paying for the effects of this crisis, with a significant decrease in turnover, especially in exports. It is clear that to overcome this phase external help is also needed, I am referring, in particular, to the entities that must specifically support these events. Businesses should be supported through economic incentives and tax reliefs. Fairs such as MICAM are not only an irreplaceable element for doing business, but they are also a vehicle to give international visibility to the excellence of 'Made in Italy' that companies in our sector represent”.


From February 21st to 24th, 2021, in Milan, Italy. Autumn-Winter 2020/21 season (Northern Hemisphere).


MICAM MILANO begins post-pandemic recovery

Fairs in Italy: in Stand-By

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