LINEAPELLE | 06/26/2020

LINEAPELLE CHANGES. It will be held in September with a different name

The international supplier fair will be called "A NEW POINT OF VIEW" and will maintain its headquarters in Milan.

A special layout to reduce contacts and avoid crowds will be implemented at the supplier new fair.

In response to the socio-economic instability caused by Covid-19, the LINEAPELLE organization has launched a call for a new smart event with special features that take into account the current world situation.

Five fairs together dedicated to fashion

It will take place in the Milano Rho spaces, on Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23, September 2020, together with MICAM, the international shoe fair, MIPEL of manufactures, THE ONE, the prêt-à-porter fair and HOMI FASHION JEWELS, of fashion accessories and bijouterie.

There are five united events that will demonstrate the vitality of the Italian fashion and style chain that, although it is seriously affected by the instability situation caused by the health emergency, reacts showing all the creativity and its renewed commitment to sustainability and innovation of the companies that compose it.

A new structure with strict security measures

In this framework, "A NEW POINT OF VIEW" will be a more agile and intelligent exhibition, where companies will exhibit in unified stands and operators will move through a modulated route, to avoid all kinds of meetings and all the required safety and health measures will be adopted.

In this way, the absolute integrity of all participants will be guaranteed: exhibitors, visitors and support staff.

Advances on skins, materials, components and accessories

In the event, an area totally dedicated to the new collections of skins, materials, components and accessories of all the exhibiting companies will be presented, for the supply of the summer of 2021 and the proposals for the winter season 2021-2022.

Imminent launch of exclusive digital site

The organization of "A NEW POINT OF VIEW" will carry out an intense communication and promotion campaign in order to ensure a greater call, from the local, regional and international level.

Special attention will be paid to the dissemination on LINEAPELLE's social networks, which in recent months has maintained and developed contact with its community of exhibitors and visitors thanks to the numerous digital initiatives proposed by the LINEAPELLE NOW TOGETHER project.

Those responsible for the event also reported on the imminent launch of THE 365 SHOWROOM, a digital platform to promote and share the collections of its active exhibitors 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Next edition 2021:

The fair will take place between February 24-26 in Fieramilano Rho.


LINEAPELLE: presented materials and components that will be a trend