NEWS | REPORTS | Argentina
Argentina | 07/26/2020

Which shoes are sold the most in quarantine?

Sports shoes and slippers lead consumption, according to merchants from the interior of the country.

Boots and booties are some of the footwear that are lacking in shops in the interior of the country.

In consultation with various owners and managers of footwear stores enabled in important cities in different Argentine provinces, they agreed on the general retraction of demand, which has footwear as one of the most postponed items compared to other essential products, like food and sanitary.

Depending on the location and epidemiological status of the area, most points of sale work taking the greatest precautions and complying with protocols. The most generalized is compliance with the business hours imposed by the municipalities, the distance between people and the number of clients within the stores according to their surface.

Merchants reported that they allow testing of products after disinfection of the customer and footwear, and then the reverse operation.

Regarding the trend in consumption, they pointed out that it is led by the lines of sports shoes, followed by slippers for domestic use, and finally by fashion products. Children's footwear is in low demand due to school inactivity and confinement.

Another aspect highlighted by merchants is the lack of merchandise, due to the fact that a large part depends on shipments from Buenos Aires, where there are closed factories, with problems to resume their activities or minimal production.

In particular, they made reference to winter footwear, such as boots and booties, of which they have no supply, although the demand is not full.

Logistics and transport is another service that influences activity, especially in provinces where circulation remains controlled and restricted.


Are shoes missing in the interior of Argentina?