In the begging of the week of April 13th, shoe factories in the country's main industrial poles gradually resumed their production, contemplating basic preventive measures to prevent coronavirus infections among operators. Staff in risk groups and administrative staff who carry out their online tasks are exempt from the call.
Among the companies that announced the return to activity are: RAMARIN, BIBI, BEIRA RIO, GRENDENE, VULCABRAS AZALEIA, USAFLEX and AZALEIA. Most located in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, while in Franca, in the State of São Paulo, due to an agreement between the city prefecture and sector representatives, productions were also restarted, with pre-established sanitary and safety conditions.
The wave of mass layoffs and suspensions affecting the Brazilian footwear industry, as a consequence of the health crisis and industrial and commercial paralysis, is having serious consequences on society and the economy. According to sources from ABICALÇADOS, the manufacturer's representative entity, until the beginning of April the number of layoffs throughout the country was around 11,000 jobs, of which 3,000 belonged to Rio Grande do Sul.
Among the factories that reported the disaffection of personnel are: PAQUETÁ, SUSANA SANTOS, DEMÓCRATA, USAFLEX and VM.
Based on figures reported by formal and recognized companies, it is estimated that over time, these amounts may be much higher, especially in the SME segment, which are abundant in the sector.
The situation responds to retraction of consumption and the massive closure of sales points, which determines cancelation orders for factories. In this way, requests for financial aid to the federal government and the States are generalized throughout the chain.
Although the severity and consequences of crisis affect all levels of life and activities, the reality is complicated when there is no solid and unified position of the federal government and the states in the face of pandemic. The attitude of president Bolsonaro regarding the relative importance that he assign to quarantine is well known, unlike his own health authorities and the states governments that consider the measure necessary.