NEWS | REPORTS | Colombia
Colombia | 05/03/2020

The government authorized the resumption of activities for FOOTWEAR and LEATHER GOODS

From the last week of April, under protocols can run some factories in Colombia.

Under strict sanitary control measures, validated by authorities, the Colombian footwear industry produces again.

This measure contained in Resolution 0498, issued by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism of Colombia, enables different sub-sectors of manufacturing to resume their tasks. In addition to FOOTWEAR and LEATHER GOODS, it also included clothing, textiles, and tanning of hides and skins.

The decree issued by the government indicates that "in order for Mandatory Preventive Isolation to guarantee the right to life and health, governors and mayors, in the context of the Health Emergency due to the coronavirus, will allow the right of movement of people” in the cases of “the production, supply, storage, repair, maintenance, transport, commercialization and distribution chain” of the mentioned manufactures.

Validation of protocols is essential

It also makes mention that the manufacturing companies that aspire to start the gradual reactivation, must comply with biosafety protocols established by the Ministry of Health.

"These security protocols must be complied with, and must be previously validated, so that these companies can really operate," said the Minister, adding that this validation must be done before the municipal or district health secretariats of each area.

"This validation process", the official reiterated, "will be essential for companies to start operating".

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